Sides made from (nearly) quartersawn pieces of padauk including the sapwood, shelves are tulipwood. . time will tell if the colours will mellow out, if its anything like the camera cabinet the padauk heartwood will turn a darker purple colour, when cut it was bright orange- at at the moment half the workshop is tinted slightly orange.
Its just the joinery holding it together, its pretty much entirely end grain to long grain so gluing would probably have been pointless.
The shelves are all stopped sliding dovetails, the top shelf back is a weird combination of dovetails, that I’m not entirely sure how I got together, and at the base theres a big chunk of padauk double through tenoned into the sides to lower the shelves centre of gravity. I was a bit masochistic and did it all by hand, the exception being re-sawing the padauk into planks, which I did partially on the table saw, ripping through the last inch with a handsaw, which is more than enough believe me.
Dimensions: 133 x 23 x 16cm
Capacity: 171 CDs, 77 DVDs or a crazy combination of the two.