Thought I’d have a go at quickly making a new saw bench as my previous attempt was a little unstable (to be fair it was a really just a nice scale practice model I made before attempting my full size work bench, so it think its forgivable that it makes a serviceable saw bench- also its instability is mostly due to the heavy vice I decided to fit to it.)
This is in the ancient style in that its just a big board with angled holes drilled in it. its certainly much more stable than the mini-roubo (not hard) and took a lot less time to make, although making square pegs fit in round holes was a bit tricky. The hardest bit was actually cleaning up the big chunk of wood- it used to be a sill from a sash window, and had a lot of paint and filler in it . . also it was wedge shaped.
Too finish it off I just need to drill some holes for benchdogs and holdfasts and it’ll be ready to use.
Next shop project: a shaving horse.